
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tech Tip Thanksgivukkah! Google search tips

Happy Thanksgivukkah, Tech Tip group! Before my tech tip today, I want to share a song I wrote to celebrate the coming together of Thanksgiving and the first day of Hanukkah, an event that only happens once every 70,000 years or so. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zCBEv3KsC0  **CAUTION: This video contains photos of Turkeys, which may make you hungry!**

Thanksgiving Tech Tips
This week’s tech tip includes a few tips while searching the internet through Google. I have catered it to a Thanksgiving theme.

Google Search by Specific Site
Google has a really neat feature you can use to specify which site to search from. All you have to do is add “site:(insert URL here)” to your search. For example, if you want to search for “stuffing” on the vegan recipe site veganyumyum.com, you would type “stuffing site:veganyumyum.com” – here’s what the results look like: http://bit.ly/Ihcsa2

I find this very useful when I know which website in which I want to search, but when I know their internal search is nowhere near as good as Google’s.

Google Search by Timeframe
Another search tip is when you’re trying to find current events or news that is very recent. You can specify the time-frame of your search in Google based on how recent the results are. For example, if you search google for “Thanksgivukkah site:youtube.com” it will show you all results no matter when they were posted.

But if you want to specify the timeframe, you can click “Search tools”, and then click the “Any Time” dropdown, and select “Past 24 hours”, it will show you just the results that showed up over the past 24 hours. If you do this, you can find the Thanksgivukkah video I uploaded yesterday called “Thanks a Latke”!

Happy holidays, everyone!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Selecting and Pasting Special in Excel

Time for some “special” excel tips on selecting and pasting! Excel has quite a few options for selecting data as well as pasting data. These can really come in handy depending on what you’re trying to select and paste. And if you’re lazy like me, you like working very hard to find the quickest and easiest way to do things!

Select Special!

To get to the select special options, hit CTRL + G to bring up the “Go To” box. Then click the “Special…” button.

The Excel super-user way to bring up this window is to hit ALT, H, F, D, S (note you do not have to hold ALT down while pressing the other keys). The Special window looks like this:

There are many useful things you can select with this window, but my favorites are Visible Cells, Formulas, and Blanks.

Select Visible Cells (shortcut: ALT, H, F, D, S, Y, Enter)

If you have filters on or rows hidden on purpose, and only want the visible cells to be selected for copying and pasting, use this selection method. Let’s say we have a table with some animal types and names:

If for some reason you decided to hide a few rows, and wanted to copy and paste just what was showing into another sheet, excel tries to include everything rather than just select what’s visible. (note this is different than when dealing with filtered items). In order to only select what is showing, you can use the Select Special - Visible Cells to select and then copy those cells.

Here’s how it looks when just the visible cells are selected:

And here’s what it looks like when it’s pasted:

Select Formulas (ALT, H, F, D, S, F, Enter)

This select special will select only the cells in a region that contain formulas. It will not select blank cells or cells with just words or numbers in them. To use this one, highlight all areas that you want to find formulas within, then use this to select just the cells that contain formulas. This is useful for figuring out which cells are from formulas versus which are hardcoded and do not rely on values from other cells. (Side tip: in order to view all formulas in a spreadsheet, use ALT+~ to reveal all the formulas. Hit that again to toggle back to regular view).

Select Blanks (ALT, H, F, D, S, K, Enter)

Use this selection method to only select blank cells in a range. This could be used if you want to paste a certain value or formula within only the blank cells in an area, You can copy one cell, use this to select all blanks, and then paste. You could also use this to highlight blank cells in a certain range (although conditional formatting also works for that).

Paste Special!

To get to the Paste Special menu, make sure you copy (CTRL+C) something first, then once it’s in the clipboard, you can pull up the special menu by

To paste regular, hit CTRL+V. However, to get to the paste special options, hit CTRL+ALT+V. Two other ways to get there are to hit ALT, H, V, S, or you could click the dropdown arrow underneath the Paste icon.

Here’s what the paste special popup looks like:

There are many useful things you can paste with this window, but my favorites are Values, Formulas, and Transpose.

Paste Values (ALT, H, V, V)

This is useful for turning formulas into the value from the formula. This can be used if you want to take the result of a formula and paste that result as a hard value in place of the formula, or somewhere else in the same workbook or another workbook. For example, if you have a spreadsheet that has lots of links or formulas that point to other locations, and you want to share your file with someone else and not have all the formulas break, use this to paste the values.

Paste Formulas (ALT, H, V, F)

This paste special is useful when you want to paste just formulas from one cell or range of cells, but not paste any of the formatting from the original formulas.

Paste Transposed (ALT, H, V, T – or – ALT, H, V, S to bring up Paste Special and combine with other paste modes)

If you are copying cells within a row and want to transpose them in a column, or vice versa, this is the way to do that. You can just paste transposed like a normal paste, or combine this with other paste specials.

Example – here I’ve used the Paste Transposed to transpose the table from Columns into Rows. Note how the formatting copied over (underlines below Animal and Name). If you want to paste the transposition but not include formatting, that’s where you would want to combine Transpose with Value.

Combining Paste Transposed with Paste Value – I’ve selected the Values radio button, and clicked the Transpose box (quick key stroke way is ALT, H, V, S, V, E, Enter)

The circled range below represents the results of pasting the original table transposed and as values.

There are many other fun Select and Paste specials, so play around with them and see which ones are your favorite!


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Excel Filters! Oh yeah!

Happy Tech Tip Tuesday! Sorry for the long delay between tech tips, it’s been busy times! This tech tip is all about filtering in Excel. Filtering is fun and can be super useful! I thought it would be good to share a few useful tips regarding filtering. There are many more filtering tricks out there, but here are a few that are top of my mind.

Are you filtering anything currently?
One easy way you can tell if any filters are actively filtering out rows is by looking at the color of the row numbers. If the row numbers are black, the filter is not active. If the row numbers are blue, the filter is active.
Nothing is filtered:
Filtering is on: the filter is indicated in the dropdown arrow, and the row numbers have turned blue

Clear that filter!
If you want to easily clear all filters, you can hit ALT then D F S (or you can go to the Data ribbon, and in the Sort & Filter section click “Clear”

Refresh the filter
If you need to refresh the filters, hold CTRL+ALT+L

Filter by Color
Filtering by color can be super useful for finding things that you’ve identified either manually by highlighting, or through using conditional formatting. It’s fairly simple – just click the drop-down arrow, select “Filter by Color”, and select either the font color or highlight color to filter on. Note you can also sort by color.

Using the “Add current selection to filter”
What this allows you to do is add additional items to the list of items. This means that your filter becomes LESS RESTRICTIVE than whatever it was previously filtering for. For example – if you were previously filtering for all words that start with “A”, and you want to also filter for things that start with “B”, you would want to search for “B*” in your filter, then check the “Add current selection to filter” box, and then click OK.

Wild Card!
The question mark and asterisk are very useful when filtering for specific things.
a.       The asterisk ‘*’ represents a wild card for the characters before, between, or after other non wild-card characters. And it can represent an unlimited number of characters. For example, filtering for “A*” will filter for anything that starts with ‘A’ and ends with anything. Filtering for “ap*nges” will result in anything that starts with ‘ap’ and ends with ‘nges’.
b.      The question mark ‘?’ represents a wild card for one character only. For example, if you were looking for all records that have seven letters in them, you would search for ‘???????’.
Here’s the list we are starting with.

When you click the drop-down arrow next to ‘Item’, you would see this:

If you type in “A*” into the search box, you see all results that start with “A”:
And if you click OK you will result in filtering for just those two selections.

If you type “Ap*nges”, you will find:

If you search for “???????” you will get:

Happy filtering!!!
